Ronnise Owens is a 5th year doctoral student in the Mercer University College of Health Profession’s Clinical Psychology PsyD program and a neuropsychology intern at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She is an alumna of Spelman College and received her Master of Public Health degree from Mercer University College of Health Professions. Her doctoral research is focused on evaluating neurodevelopment, cognitive functioning and clinical management in children with epilepsy. She is also interested in addressing social determinants of health in neurological populations, neuropsychological practice within minority communities and reducing disparities within academic and community settings. Ronnise is also an advocate and educator for mental health awareness within minority communities and is involved in the intentional recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority students in the field of psychology and neuropsychology. In addition to her service on the KnowNeuropsychology Committee, she is the HBCU Ambassador for New2Neuropsychology and a committee member of AACN Student Pipeline Subcommittee. At the community level, Ronnise is the founder of Break the Silence. Join the Conversation., a mental health awareness organization to educate minority and faith-based communities on the importance of eradicating the stigma and recognizing warning signs in one’s mental health. Since September 2018, Ronnise has conducted numerous workshops within Black churches, community organizations, schools, university campuses, and regional conferences.