
KnowNeuroanatomy Volume III [07/2023 to 08/2023]

Basal Ganglia & Associated Disorderspresented by Dr. Erica Cotton

Emotion & the Amygdalapresented by Dr. Georgina Moreno

Memory: The Papez Circuit & Beyondpresented by Dr. Kyle Jennette

Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland/Hormones – presented by Dr. Nora Coultis

Subcortical Synthesispresented by Dr. Eva Garringer

KnowNeuroanatomy Volume II [07/2022 to 08/2022]

Developmental Neuroanatomypresented by Dr. Kim Ono

Neuroanatomy of the Brainstem presented by Dr. Kristin Crocfer

Cognition in the Little Brain: The Cerebellumpresented by Dr. Darlene Floden

Neuroanatomy of Sensory Pathwayspresented by Dr. Christine Mullen

The Ventricular System & Cerebrospinal Fluidpresented by Dr. Irene Piryatinsky

White Matter Pathwayspresented by Dr. Robin Lester

Neural Networkspresented by Dr. Kristina Visscher

KnowNeuroanatomy Volume I [07/2021 to 08/2021]

Introduction to Neuroanatomypresented by Dr. Chris Benjamin

Speech & Languagepresented by Dr. Sara Pillay

Visuospatial Abilitiespresented by Dr. Russell Bauer

Emotional Functioningpresented by Dr. Robert Bilder

Executive Functioningpresented by Dr. Catherine Price

Learning & Memorypresented by Dr. Mary Pat McAndrews

Cerebrovasculaturepresented by Dr. Ronald Lazar