The Journey from MCI to Dementia: Assessing Impairment Across the Cognitive Spectrum

Naudia Moorley, Psy.D.

Banner Sun Health Research Institute

Live lecture date: 2/28/2022

These learning questions are brought to you by the KnowNeuropsychology / APPCN collaboration.

*This quiz has 16 multiple-choice questions.

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What part of the brain is most involved in processing somatosensory information?

2 / 16

The right parietal lobe:

3 / 16

The temporal lobe:

4 / 16

What type of attention requires you to maintain attention to a specific stimulus despite competing stimuli and/or distractors?

5 / 16

What are the different types of long-term memory (i.e., information recalled over a delay)?

6 / 16

Normal age-related decline:

7 / 16

True/False: The most important distinguishing factors between mild cognitive impairment and dementia are the preservation of independence in functional abilities (ADL’s and iADL’s) and lack of significant impairment in social or occupational functioning.

8 / 16

Mild Cognitive Impairment can be divided into the following categories:

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True/False: Currently, all forms of mild cognitive impairment are irreversible.

10 / 16

Dementia is:

11 / 16

True/False: Symptoms of dementia can begin a decade or two prior to diagnosis.

12 / 16

What is the estimated number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease currently?

13 / 16

MCI impacts memory primarily.

14 / 16

What is the greatest risk factor for MCI?

15 / 16

Parkinson’s disease dementia and Dementia with Lewy Body frequently coexist with AD.

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Bonus Question: Which biomarkers are currently being used (mostly in research settings) to diagnose dementia in vivo rather than via post-mortem examination?

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