Neuroanatomy of Emotional Functioning Robert Bilder, Ph.D., ABPP University of California, Los Angeles Live lecture date: 8/9/2021 These learning questions are brought to you by the KnowNeuropsychology / APPCN collaboration. 1 / 4 The anterior prefrontal cortex (frontal pole region) has been implicated in the following reward-related activity: Representation of “action-reward” associations. Representation of “counterfactuals” or value of alternate choices. Representation of “effort” necessary to achieve specific reward. Representation of “punishment” or “nonreward.” 2 / 4 Reward prediction error refers to a process in which predictions (models of the future) are compared to incoming stimulation. The term “positive prediction error” refers to situations where incoming stimulation is better than expected and…: Cells in the ventral tegmental area increase firing and dopamine release increases in the nucleus accumbens. Dopamine release in the ventral tegmental area increases and cell firing increases in the ventral tegmental area. Cells in the dorsal tegmental area increase firing and dopamine release increase in the substantia nigra. Dopamine release in the dorsal tegmental area increases and cell firing increases in the substantia nigra. 3 / 4 Frontal cortex connections to the limbic system show: That the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex projects predominantly to the hippocampus and amygdala. That the ventromedial frontal cortex projects predominantly to the hippocampus and the amygdala. That two principal pathways, one more dorsal (cingulate) and one more ventral (uncinate) connect frontal and limbic regions. That there are precise, point-to-point connections relating the anterior to posterior frontal cortex to anterior and posterior regions in the hippocampus. 4 / 4 The hippocampal formation has been implicated in: Memory encoding Memory retrieval Novelty detection Mismatch detection All of the above Your score is 0% Restart quiz Download Learning Questions Lecture Transcript