Neuropsychology of FTD Syndromes

Adam Staffaroni, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, University of California, San Francisco

Live lecture date: 04/18/2022

These learning questions are brought to you by the KnowNeuropsychology / APPCN collaboration.

*This quiz has three multiple-choice questions and two discussion questions.

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You’re seeing a 62 year old woman who was referred by her neurologist for a neuropsychological evaluation to help to better characterize her language and other cognitive deficits in the context of a diagnosis of suspected primary progressive aphasia (PPA). During interview, she exhibited frequent word finding problems, although grammar and motor speech seemed normal. Language testing revealed deficits on tests of naming and repetition, although object knowledge and single word comprehension were normal. Based on this information, your patient’s profile is most consistent with:

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With regard to more recent research on neuropsychological testing and FTD syndromes, which of the following statements is most true:

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Which of the following is not listed in the Rascovsky et al. (2011) diagnostic criteria for behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD)?

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Discussion Question: What are examples of tests of social cognition that may be used when testing FTD patients, and what specific social cognitive abilities do they measure?

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Discussion Question: For the 62-year-old patient in Question 1 above, what measures might be most helpful for this differential diagnosis? How might you educate her and her family when they ask whether (and how) her cognitive symptoms may progress? What recommendations might you make for compensatory strategies and aids given her specific language deficits? What pathological substrate most often causes this syndrome?

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Note: Several video clips have been removed from this video to protect patients’ privacy. Initial audio connection issues also occur at the beginning of this recording, which may limit understanding in the first few minutes of this excellent talk by Dr. Staffaroni.