Neuroanatomy of Language

Sara Pillay, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin

Live lecture date: 7/19/2021

These learning questions are brought to you by the KnowNeuropsychology / APPCN collaboration.

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A right-handed patient presents to clinic after suffering a left PCA-territory stroke damaging the inferior posterior temporal lobe. On examination you observe that he has adopted a laborious letter-by-letter reading strategy, but does not have aphasia. He most likely has:

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A right-handed patient presents to clinic with complaints of difficulty reading and word-finding. On examination you observe that he has adopted a laborious letter-by-letter reading strategy, and has difficulty naming objects, but has not lost the conceptual representation of the object he is attempting to name. You observe that he also has a right superior quandrantonopia. Based on this information, you suspect he had a stroke in the:

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A patient presents after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke affecting the left superior and middle temporal gyrus. They are 9- months post-stroke. They would like to return to work, and tell you they work in insurance claims, where most of the job entails talking with people on the telephone. Assume their neuropsychological evaluation is abnormal. Do you:

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A woman suffered a left MCA cortical stroke affecting the left inferior frontal gyrus and precentral gyrus. She will most likely have:

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A woman presents to the hospital and has apraxia of speech, right sided face and arm weakness, but is able to walk unassisted. You suspect a lesion to the:

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Patients with pure word deafness can hear sounds, but have difficulty perceiving phonemes. This most often results from damage to the:

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You see a patient in clinic who can match single written words to pictures, but has difficulty following commands and understanding verbally presented sentences. They can repeat single words. You suspect they had a stroke affecting which part of the brain:

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A right-handed patient presents to clinic after sustaining bilateral damage to the superior temporal gyri, including the Transverse temporal gyri (Heshl’s gyri). You suspect she will have difficulty:

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You are assessing a patient with some type of aphasia. She makes frequent phonological paraphasic errors when speaking, has poor verbal short-term memory, and frequent word-finding hesitations. She has no right sided motor weakness, but does complain of poor sensation in her right hand. You suspect she has damage to the:

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A man suffered a left MCA stroke affecting the posterior perisylvian region, including the supramarginal gyrus, posterior superior temporal gyrus and nearby subcortical white matter tracts (superior longitudinal fasiculus and arcuate fasiculus). He has difficulty speaking and make several formal phonologically-related paraphasic errors. You suspect he will also have difficulty:

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