KnowNeuropsychology Didactic Series Volume V

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KnowNeuropsychology Didactic Series volume Five: Back to Basics
The journey from MCI to dementia with Dr. Naudia Moorley
Stroke Basics: Types, Neuropsychological Presentations, and Outcomes with Dr. Elaine Mahoney
Culturally Competent Neuropsychological Interviewing Skills: Building Your Toolkit with Dr. Anita Herrera Hamilton
Fundamentals of Neuroimaging: Approaches to Cognitive Impairment on Monday 3/21/2022 at 3pm EST with Dr. Licia Pacheco-Luna
Introduction to Lewy Body Dementia on Monday 3/28/2022 at 4pm EST with Dr. Melissa J. Armstrong
Lifestyle Strategies for Promoting Lifelong Brain Health with Dr. Vonetta Dotson
Specific Learning Disorders with Dr. Erika Wesonga
Neuropsychology of FTD Syndromes with Dr. Adam Staffaroni.
ADHD Across the Lifespan with Dr. Donna Murdaugh
Aphasia in Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias with Dr. Kendra M. Anderson
Neurological Exam Across the Lifespan with Dr. Golnaz Yadollahikhales
Feedback 360: Culturally Competent Neuropsychological Feedback Across the Lifespan with Dr. Rachael Ellison.